There is much evidence that great changes are approaching on the face of the Earth and already some begin to recognize apocalyptic signs in every event of nature that hits us and impacts us in an increasingly strong and uncontrolled manner.
This foreseeable end of time or end of an era has already occurred before and may occur again for various reasons: a large giant solar eruption, the impact of asteroids on the earth, large
In view of the above, it is convenient to ask whether humanity with all its technological and scientific advances is better prepared today to face a new apocalyptic cycle.
The end of an era is near. A large part of the scientific community and countless historians and philosophers coincide in this, with a somewhat more critical view of reading the times. There are those who maintain with concern that of all the species that populated the world, 99% are already extinct and that at some time it will be the turn of the human species.
The same biodiversity on our planet is cyclical, since according to a complete analysis of the fossil records of marine animals belonging to the last 542 million years, it has revealed that biodiversity seems to increase and decrease in mysterious cycles of 62 million years, without knowing exactly why.
On the other hand, there seems to be a second, longer cycle of about 140 million years, of which only four oscillations were found in the last 542 million years. These may be casual phenomena, but if it is real, it could be related to the 140 million year cycle of the Ice Ages.
The thing is that there is a lot of evidence that great changes are approaching on the face of the Earth and already some are beginning to recognize apocalyptic signs in every event of nature that hits us and impacts us in an increasingly strong and uncontrolled manner.
But this end of time or end of an era has already occurred before. In the Universe everything is cyclical and the antiquity of man (Between 5 and 1 million years ago) is very recent in relation to the age of the same earth (Between 4,500 or 4,600 million years) and in this period of time have occurred several Apocalypse: example of them are the Glaciations, of which there have been at least four large.
The oldest one took place between 2.700 and 2.300 million years ago. The one that follows between 850 and 630 million years ago. After this, one happened between 460 and 430 million years ago, then one between 350 and 260 million years ago and the last one that started forty million years ago and ended about ten thousand years ago.
Other examples of the Apocalypse were also the extinction of the dinosaurs that occurred 65 million years ago and the universal deluge, about which there is no clarity in its antiquity, some suggest that it may have corresponded to the eruption of the volcano Etna on the eastern shore of Sicily around 6000 B.C., and caused a huge tsunami.
Others suggest that it was related to the Toba Catastrophe Theory, of which 70,000 years ago and that it was characterized by a volcanic winter of 6 years of duration with strong lows of temperatures and generalized rains etc…
Theories that explain it
In view of the above, one may wonder why these apocalyptic events are repeated from time to time. There are several theories that try to explain the above and rush to describe a cause for a possible end of the world. What is certain, however, is that the greatest source of threats to our species is in outer space.
One of them refers to solar activity and points from a large giant solar flare, where the mass ejections of the solar corona bombard the Earth with a torrent of high-speed subatomic particles, which happens permanently, as it was found that stars can increase their brightness by about 20 times, probably due to these giant eruptions. Decreases in solar activity have also been thought of, as other Sun-like stars go through periods in which a 1% decrease in brightness is observed. It seems little, but it may end in another Ice Age, or something much colder and worse.
There has also been speculation with the impact of asteroids, an event of little probability, but not for that reason impossible. Take for example the meteorite of just 70 meters in diameter that crashed in 1908 in Siberia, releasing an energy a thousand times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. If one of the 100,000 objects with diameters greater than 50 km orbiting the Sun in the Kuiper belt, a little beyond Neptune, were to come upon us, there would be no salvation for our species.
The extinction unleashed at the end of the Permian killed off 95 percent of all species on Earth, a colossal percentage that even surpasses the 75 percent produced in the extinction that killed off the dinosaurs, apparently caused by the fall of an asteroid.
If this were to occur at a relatively close distance (less than 1,000 light years) the Earth’s atmosphere would initially protect us, but the nitrogen oxides that would be produced would destroy the ozone
The result would not only be skin cancer, but also the destruction of the ocean plankton that forms the basis of the food chain and provides much of the oxygen in the atmosphere.